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What about Python?

Category: Technical

Python out of the box is very simple.  You can use the platform to learn the basic of python (if, else, print, etc).  Out-Of-The-Box of python doesn’t work for website without additional modules. 

Python can be a very powerful tools with additional modules (just like plugins) which is not a part of our service.  We can’t manage different modules version for the users in terms of security and multiple versions. cPanel, L.L.C. warning says; doesn’t develop or ship Python WSGI web applications, cPanel Technical Support can’t help

Stanford Domains offers the basic python packages on CentOS 7x which includes python2 (/usr/bin/python) by default, and some packages we use on the server rely on an additional alternative python installation, this being a version of python3 (/opt/alt/python38/bin/).

As stated in our “WHAT CAN I DO AND NOT DO ON STANFORD DOMAIN?” support document:

  • Can : Learn basic programming languages like Perl, PHP, Python, or Linux Shell scripting.
  • Can Not : To be a tool for learning system administration, installing packages, or complex technology such as Node.JS FrameWork, Python FrameWork, containers, etc.

Note: Please use a better solutions for these types of apps like Heroku, and Netlify.