Getting a custom website on Stanford Domains
Category: Getting Started
To have a Stanford brand subdomain for your website (subjected to approval by University Communication), use the Add-On domain functionality in Stanford Domains by following the below process which will make your site reachable via <sitename> ( and also displayed when visitors land on your site.
- Search to lookup your chosen name ( to ensure it’s available.
- Place a Stanford Domains Service request to have your Add-on domain added to Stanford’s DNS (domain name system). This must fully completed first before proceeding to the next step. Include the following information:
- Stanford domain name requested: <domain> (35 character max)
- Purpose of the website (140 character max)
- Primary Domain (or cpanel username) to which the domain should be added
- Description of content to be published on the website
Note: once approved, you can continue to the next steps
- Once approved, Stanford Domains staff will create your custom domain name in NetDB and add it to your cPanel.
- Build site (
- Confirm your site (