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Getting a custom website on Stanford Domains

Category: Getting Started

To have a Stanford brand subdomain for your website (subjected to approval by University Communication), use the Add-On domain functionality in Stanford Domains by following the below process which will make your site reachable via <sitename> ( and also displayed when visitors land on your site.

  1. Search to lookup your chosen name ( to ensure it’s available.
  2. Place a Stanford Domains Service request to have your Add-on domain added to Stanford’s DNS (domain name system). This must fully completed first before proceeding to the next step. Include the following information:
    • Stanford domain name requested: <domain> (35 character max)
    • Purpose of the website (140 character max)
    • Primary Domain (or cpanel username) to which the domain should be added
    • Description of content to be published on the website
      Note: once approved, you can continue to the next steps
  3. Once approved, Stanford Domains staff will create your custom domain name in NetDB and add it to your cPanel.
  4. Build site (
  5. Confirm your site (